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#  Chemical data
#  J. Smith, D. Anderson, D. Erdner, and J. McClelland, PIs
#  Version 3 August 2017
Date             Sample_ID    Description                                         Depth  d15N_NO3         d18O_NO3         d15N_NH4      d15N_POM         NO3       NH4       PO4              Silicate  
2014/03/12       MP           Mill Pond Nauset Marsh Estuary MA station 11        1      nd               nd               nd            nd               0.9       1.4       0.1              7.6       
2014/03/12       SP           Salt Pond Nauset Marsh Estuary MA station 21        1      nd               nd               nd            nd               0.9       2.8       0.3              9.1       
2014/03/12       SP           Salt Pond Nauset Marsh Estuary MA station 21        5      nd               nd               11.9          nd               1.4       16.0      3.0              6.8       
2014/03/19       SP           Salt Pond Nauset Marsh Estuary MA station 21        3      nd               nd               nd            nd               0.4       5.7       0.5              8.4       
2014/04/09       SP           Salt Pond Nauset Marsh Estuary MA station 21        3      nd               nd               nd            nd               <0.04     3.9       0.4              8.4       
2014/04/23       MP           Mill Pond Nauset Marsh Estuary MA station 11        5      nd               nd               nd            6.4              0.1       4.1       0.2              9.1       
2014/04/23       SP           Salt Pond Nauset Marsh Estuary MA station 21        3      nd               nd               nd            nd               <0.04     1.8       0.3              11.2      
2014/04/23       SP           Salt Pond Nauset Marsh Estuary MA station 21        5      nd               nd               nd            5                <0.04     2.9       1.1              10.9      
2014/05/02       MP           Mill Pond Nauset Marsh Estuary MA station 11        5      nd               nd               nd            5.4              <0.04     4.6       0.3              11.1      
2014/05/02       NPB 2B       Northport-Huntington Bay Complex NY station 2B      0.5    nd               nd               12.7          7.6              1.3       5.2       1.0              20.7      
2014/05/02       SP           Salt Pond Nauset Marsh Estuary MA station 21        5      nd               nd               1.4           5.5              <0.04     3.6       0.4              10.6      
2014/05/07       MP           Mill Pond Nauset Marsh Estuary MA station 11        5      nd               nd               nd            5.5              <0.04     3.3       0.4              13.3      
2014/05/07       NPB 2B       Northport-Huntington Bay Complex NY station 2B      0.5    7.45             4.22             17.9          7.7              2.3       2.8       0.6              27.3      
2014/05/07       SP           Salt Pond Nauset Marsh Estuary MA station 21        5      nd               nd               5.2           5.3              <0.04     13.7      2.1              13.5      
2014/05/14       MP           Mill Pond Nauset Marsh Estuary MA station 11        3      nd               nd               nd            5.8              0.5       5.1       0.5              19.0      
2014/05/14       NPB 2B       Northport-Huntington Bay Complex NY station 2B      0.5    nd               nd               14            7.9              1.2       1.7       0.5              20.0      
2014/05/14       SP           Salt Pond Nauset Marsh Estuary MA station 21        3      nd               nd               nd            5.9              <0.04     5.7       0.4              15.3      
2014/05/19       MP           Mill Pond Nauset Marsh Estuary MA station 11        3      nd               nd               nd            nd               <0.04     4.6       0.2              17.2      
2014/05/19       SP           Salt Pond Nauset Marsh Estuary MA station 21        3      nd               nd               nd            nd               <0.04     2.5       0.3              13.4      
2014/05/20       NPB 2B       Northport-Huntington Bay Complex NY station 2B      0.5    7.31             4.01             14.8          8                1.7       2.8       0.4              36.5      
2014/05/21       GOM st12     Gulf of Maine station 12                            1      7.27             5.74             nd            4.9              6.7       0.3       0.6              8.7       
2014/05/21       GOM st15     Gulf of Maine station 15                            1      nd               nd               nd            4.4              0.3       0.2       0.3              3.7       
2014/05/28       MP           Mill Pond Nauset Marsh Estuary MA station 11        3      nd               nd               nd            6.8              <0.04     3.1       less than DL     0.6       
2014/05/28       SP           Salt Pond Nauset Marsh Estuary MA station 21        3      nd               nd               7.7           5.6              <0.04     6.9       0.9              11.3      
2014/06/12       SP           Salt Pond Nauset Marsh Estuary MA station 21        1      nd               nd               nd            nd               <0.04     6.8       0.3              8.0       
2014/06/12       SP           Salt Pond Nauset Marsh Estuary MA station 21        3      nd               nd               nd            nd               <0.04     6.0       0.2              2.2       
2014/06/12       SP           Salt Pond Nauset Marsh Estuary MA station 21        5      nd               nd               nd            nd               <0.04     18.9      3.8              8.9       
2014/06/16       GOM st20     Gulf of Maine station 20                            1      nd               nd               nd            8                0.1       0.2       0.0              1.6       
2014/06/16       GOM st20     Gulf of Maine station 20                            90     4.14             3.41             nd            less than DL     11.4      0.2       0.7              7.2       
2014/06/16       GOM st21     Gulf of Maine station 21                            1      nd               nd               nd            7.5              0.2       0.3       0.0              2.2       
2015/03/23       NPB 2B       Northport-Huntington Bay Complex NY station 2B      0.5    6.82             3.32             nd            nd               34.6      0.6       0.3              20.7      
2015/04/02       MP           Mill Pond Nauset Marsh Estuary MA station 11        5      nd               nd               nd            6.8              <0.04     0.3       0.2              1.3       
2015/04/02       SP           Salt Pond Nauset Marsh Estuary MA station 21        1      less than DL     less than DL     nd            7.7              3.5       0.7       0.3              13.5      
2015/04/15       SP           Salt Pond Nauset Marsh Estuary MA station 21        3      nd               nd               nd            nd               0.7       10.0      2.7              11.7      
2015/04/29       SP           Salt Pond Nauset Marsh Estuary MA station 21        5      nd               nd               nd            nd               <0.04     10.0      4.3              10.6      
2015/05/05       MP           Mill Pond Nauset Marsh Estuary MA station 11        3      nd               nd               nd            7.1              0.1       1.8       0.5              14.9      
2015/05/05       SP           Salt Pond Nauset Marsh Estuary MA station 21        3      nd               nd               11.4          5.2              0.1       5.0       1.8              13.0      
2015/05/13       MP           Mill Pond Nauset Marsh Estuary MA station 11        2      nd               nd               nd            6.2              <0.04     0.9       0.3              19.5      
2015/05/13       SP           Salt Pond Nauset Marsh Estuary MA station 21        3      nd               nd               nd            7                <0.04     0.9       0.9              16.4      
2015/05/15       MP           Mill Pond Nauset Marsh Estuary MA station 11        2      nd               nd               nd            7.2              <0.04     2.5       0.9              20.7      
2015/05/18       MP           Mill Pond Nauset Marsh Estuary MA station 11        2      nd               nd               nd            6.7              <0.04     1.1       0.3              18.1      
2015/05/18       SP           Salt Pond Nauset Marsh Estuary MA station 21        3      nd               nd               nd            7                <0.04     1.5       1.1              13.7      
2015/05/20       NPB 2B       Northport-Huntington Bay Complex NY station 2B      0.5    6.33             3.49             15.9          7.3              19.8      5.7       1.7              38.7      
2015/05/21       NPB 2B       Northport-Huntington Bay Complex NY station 2B      0.5    6.82             4.35             nd            9.9              20.9      1.2       1.5              41.8      
2015/05/26       NPB 2B       Northport-Huntington Bay Complex NY station 2B      0.5    nd               nd               nd            7.8              1.8       2.2       0.9              39.5      
2015/05/27       SP           Salt Pond Nauset Marsh Estuary MA station 21        3      nd               nd               nd            nd               1.7       2.2       1.3              20.9      
2015/06/03       SP           Salt Pond Nauset Marsh Estuary MA station 21        3      nd               nd               nd            nd               <0.04     2.5       1.8              21.1      
2015/06/17       GOM st 1     Gulf of Maine station 1                             1      5.51             5.11             nd            3.5              5.3       0.1       0.6              4.8       
2015/06/17       GOM st 1     Gulf of Maine station 1                             50     4.86             3.92             nd            2.1              6.3       1.0       0.7              5.7       
2015/06/18       GOM st 5     Gulf of Maine station 5                             1      6.83             6.38             nd            4.4              4.8       0.6       0.5              5.7       
2015/06/18       GOM st 8     Gulf of Maine station 8                             1      nd               nd               nd            4                0.4       0.2       0.1              0.1       
2015/06/18       GOM st 8     Gulf of Maine station 8                             50     4.86             3.92             nd            3.3              5.5       1.1       0.6              6.0